Non-esterified Free Fatty Acids (NEFA) Colorimetric Assay Kit

Non-esterified Free Fatty Acids (NEFA) Colorimetric Assay Kit

Cat No.:HR3BC1162
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Detection Method: Colorimetric method

Storage : 2-8?
Product Details

Intrument Semi-automatic biochemical analyzer (546 nm), automatic biochemical analyzer (546 nm), Microplate re
Assay TypeQuantitative
Sample TypeSerum,plasma,tissue homogenate,cells,cell supernatant
Synonyms NEFA
Detection Principal NEFA and can react with coenzyme A and form acetyl-CoA under the catalysis of acetyl-CoA-synthetase (ACS). Acetyl-CoA can produce H2O2 when catalyzed by acetyl-CoA-oxidase (ACOD). Then H2O2 react with TOOS and 4-amino-antipyrine (4-APP) to generate a colored substrate under the catalysis of peroxidase (POD). The colored substrate has a maximum absorption peak at 546 nm. Measure the OD value at 546 nm and calculate the NEFA content indirectly.
ReagentsNormal saline (0.9% NaCl)
Detection Range 0.01-3.0 mmol/L

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