Sucrose Colorimetric Assay Kit

Sucrose Colorimetric Assay Kit

Cat No.:HR3BC1185
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Detection Method: Colorimetric method

Storage : 2-8?
Product Details

Intrument Spectrophotometer(290 nm)
Assay Time 40 min
Assay TypeQuantitative
Sample TypePlant tissue
Detection Principal Sucrose in plant tissue is hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose in boiling water bath under acidic conditions. 5-hydroxymethyl furfural was synthesized from fructose under acid condition and measure the ultraviolet absorption of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural. Glucose must be dissimilated into ketose structure and reduced to obtain 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, but the rate of isomerization of glucose to ketose is very slow. Therefore, the ultraviolet absorption of glucose is much smaller than fructose.
ReagentsPBS (0.01 M, pH 7.4)
LabwareMicropipettor, Vortex mixer, 100? Water bath
Sensitivity 0.32 ?mol/mL
Detection Range 0.32-70 ?mol/mL
Recovery Rate 102
Inter CV 8.5

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